Meet Karen!


Hello! I’m Karen [she/her].

I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW.)  I am passionate about working with people of all genders as they navigate their journeys to and through parenthood. 

You may have arrived at this page because you are wondering if parenthood is the path for you, because you are facing fertility challenges, because you have experienced a loss, or because as a new parent, you just don’t feel like yourself anymore. Wherever you find yourself, I hope to provide a safe space for you to pause, honor where you are on your journey, and continue to move forward on a journey of growth and healing.

Together we can hold space…

  • For the full range of emotions that humans experience – even when they are immensely difficult.  

  • For acknowledging how relentless fertility, pregnancy, & parenting can turn out to be.

  • For the reality that grief doesn’t come with a prescribed timeline. 

  • For honoring losses that may not be recognized by others.

  • For acknowledging that trauma can sometimes resurface, or be experienced, at times that are “supposed to be” joyful.

  • For honoring moments of joy in the midst of what is hard. 

  • …And much, much more.

My Own Journey to Parenthood

I am the proud mom of three children – one of whom never came home, and two of whom fill our home with the sounds of laughter and tears – each of them will always have their own place in our family story.

My own journey to parenthood has included times that felt easy and times that felt immensely hard, moments of clarity and moments of questioning, periods of joyful anticipation and periods of grief and sorrow. 

It has also included healing from trauma, finding ways to move forward in spite of grief, and finding inspiration and meaning in various places. 

My training and work

My journey to become a therapist started with getting a Masters in Social Work (MSW) at Smith College in 2013. Early in my career, I worked with children and their families, in outpatient and hospital settings.  

In 2018, I transitioned to working in private practice, and have worked with clients of all ages. I have developed a passion for working with clients on clinical issues related to reproduction, loss, body image, and working toward a healthy relationship with eating. Over the past five years, I have completed specialized training on topics including:

  • Perinatal Mental Health (PMH-C expected later in 2024!)

  • Eating Disorders, Body Image, and Health at Every Size (HAES)

  • The intersections of body image, perinatal mental health, race, gender, and other historically marginalized communities

  • Written Exposure Therapy (WET) - a practice of reprocessing traumatic experiences through writing during therapy sessions. 

On White Privilege & Anti-Racism

I am a White woman whose name is “Karen” but who strives not to be “a Karen.” What does that mean to me? It means taking the time to acknowledge white privilege, seeking reading materials (books, blogs, articles) by BIPOC authors, taking time to examine the insidious way that racism shows up in the systems within which we operate every day, and being open to new ways to do anti-racist work. In my work as a therapist, it also means honoring that many of my clients are likely not to experience the same privileges that I am offered, even if we navigate similar life experiences. I offer clients an open invitation to discuss how issues related to race and racism have impacted their lives, and to address ways in which they may impact our work together.

“Do the best you can until you know better.

Then when you know better, do better.” ― Maya Angelou

Fun Facts About Me…

My favorite seasons are spring and autumn. I love apples – apple-picking, apple crisp, apple cider – and most other things involving apples! I enjoy swimming, kayaking, and sharing these activities with my family. Other things I often enjoy include Disney/Pixar movies, yoga, escape rooms, and making photo books.

I am not a fan of “toxic positivity,” and believe we can work toward making space for all life has to offer – the positive, the negative, and all that falls in-between.

Fill out our New Client Inquiry to get scheduled with Karen today!