Supporting You on your Fertility Journey


when are you having a baby!? are you trying?!

Some of the most common questions about families can be casual conversation for one and devastating reminders of trauma loss and struggle to another. People can be incredibly hurtful when they don’t know what they don’t know.

Many of us had inadequate [if any] sex education growing up. If you did, you may have been told it’s VERY risky to have unprotected sex, some programs make it seem as though it’s almost guaranteed to happen! Many clients come to us after having been on hormonal contraception for years, sometimes since adolescence, and they don’t have much history on what their cycle actually looks like. They may question if contraception was masking hormonal problems they had no idea were there.

No one arrives at fertility challenges without loss(es), stress, and emotional challenges- it can take quite a toll on everyone in the home.

Maybe a family is navigating a health issue, past or present that has impacted ability to conceive through intercourse, or they have endured extensive medical testing, invasive and often painful procedures only to be given the frustrating non-answer of unexplained infertility. Clients may not have a medical issue but instead a sperm access issue, requiring medical intervention, time, money, and undesired healthcare procedures.

Whatever challenges, losses and traumas may be in your fertility story, we are here for you.

Several of our clinicians are trained by the Jefferson/Jones Foundation in Infertility Counseling and/or the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). We are all trained in perinatal loss and bereavement and ready to support you through the ups and downs, hurry up and wait, grief, anxiety, and joy of growing your family through healthcare challenges. All therapists on our team are welcoming and affirming to folks solo or partnered looking for support in growing their family.