Specializing in Perinatal and Postpartum Wellness


Some of the amazing therapists on our team: Catharine, Ashley, Erin & Rachel

Hello! We are so glad you are here.

Once you become a mother, you get the message that you live for your children and your needs are no longer a priority.   We couldn’t disagree more. At Growing Well Counseling, we believe that supported, nurtured women change the world.

A woman is the epicenter of her family and to be able to care for others, she must tend to herself. When we work together to fill your cup, you can in turn pour for others. 

We believe that the biggest thing standing in your way is your reluctance to put you first. 

So, here we are, giving you permission- you deserve to be nurtured and supported, especially at such an important time in your life.



About Counseling

Answers to your questions about perinatal wellness, PPD, PPA, all things postpartum, counseling and coming in to meet with a therapist.

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New Clients

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Complete our New Client Inquiry if you want to learn more & get started



In Case of an Emergency


     If you have a mental health emergency, if you or someone you care about might not be safe, we encourage you not to wait for a call back, but to do one or more of the following:

 ·       Call 2-1-1 United Way InfoLine Emergency Mobile Psychiatric Services (EMPS)

·       Call ACTION Line 1-800-HOPE-135 (1-800.467.3135)

·       National Maternal Mental Health Hotline 1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262)

·       Call or text “988” Suicide Prevention & Crisis Line

·       Call “911.”

·       Go to the emergency room of your choice.